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"English is not for me ... (l'anglais, pour moi, c'est trop dur!)", "I'll never make it in English ... (en anglais je n'y arriverai jamais!)" Is that what you think? If so, the good news is that you CAN improve .... provided you P.R.A.C.T.I.S.E.! You will find below some links to useful and helpful material. 

My advice is: define for yourself an objective (for example 5 minutes a day (is that too much? every 2 days then, or 3 times a week: it's up to you!) for the first week, then 10 minutes for the second week ...) and stick to it: you will see that progress will come! And don't forget: I TAKE YOUR IMPROVEMENT INTO ACCOUNT!

The Basics ...

And the 4 skills!

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